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2020-04-08 11:31发布  浏览 11 次
联系人   :如儿
户型:      -1室-1厅-1卫
苏善书镜头里疫情中的北京城 疫情当下,仍在坚守岗位的环卫工人、公交司机、快递员……他们的勤劳与勇敢,都深深地感动着我。我要向每一位默默无闻的英雄致敬,是你们让中国人民感到无比的安心。我为生活在中国感到骄傲、我热爱中国! [img]http://api.linyouquan.net/uploads/2020/04/08/lF6kc.jpeg[/img] During this period I wanted to express my emotions through an artistic object. I have been working on a new sculpture that I have called "metamorphosis" which will express the metamorphosis of each Chinese into a hero and be all united in combating the epidemic. I am also preparing for June an exhibition with my artist friends on the theme of the fraternity "Difficult times, united". I was impressed when I discovered that the city's cleaning services, public transport, delivery men continue to work with dignity and courage. I went to Tian’Anmen Square where I threw the only visitor, a unique moment alone in front of the history of the forbidden city and the portrait of Mao; the police were very surprised to see me is they behaving your friendly with me. I would like to pay tribute to all the people who kept their calm, their dignity during this difficult period and everything is hero invisible like the people of the hospital service who gave their lives for the community. I am proud to live in China and to love China. [img]http://api.linyouquan.net/uploads/2020/04/08/c7H7A.jpeg[/img] “孤独星球”系列的全景照片,就像在偌大的中国偌大的北京只有一个小小的我。 [img]http://api.linyouquan.net/uploads/2020/04/08/Ip4R4.jpeg[/img] [img]http://api.linyouquan.net/uploads/2020/04/08/TnaM0.jpeg[/img] [img]http://api.linyouquan.net/uploads/2020/04/08/vuAu5.jpeg[/img] [img]http://api.linyouquan.net/uploads/2020/04/08/qM2Rx.jpeg[/img] [img]http://api.linyouquan.net/uploads/2020/04/08/p44bt.jpeg[/img] [img]http://api.linyouquan.net/uploads/2020/04/08/LKjVY.jpeg[/img] [img]http://api.linyouquan.net/uploads/2020/04/08/rryYF.jpeg[/img]
战略合作:21世纪不动产    酷房网
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